In Step One we define your music strengths, clarify what matters, define success, and actively VISUALIZE your Sync Licensing goals.

We are going to have a conversation about your music — what do you like to create, what you’re best at. We reconnect with the reasons you started making music, and visualize the steps between today and tomorrow. We are in this together, and together we paint a picture of your sync licensing future — what it will look like when you’re no longer creating music as a hobby but making the music you love for a purpose – making music for film & TV! 

We each have an idea about what success is. Yours could be number one songs on Billboard, it could be a million Spotify plays, or you just want to be heard and make a few bucks. We’re going to talk about what a successful life in sync will look like 6 months from now and 1 year from now.

Okay! Now we can start on step two! And because we figured out what your Sync Licensing goals are we can make a PLAN.

First, let’s SEE THE VISION. That show you want to compose for: what is the name of it? Tell me about your 10th major TV Network placement, how will you celebrate? These visions are powerful tools because when you start to visualize, you can ACTUALIZE. Talking about and acting out these visions prepare your brain to EXPECT this new reality. THESE. ARE. YOUR. MILESTONES!

As we plan, I take note of the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. And then, we strategize to close the gap! You want to land 10 placements in a year but you don’t want to learn how how to structure your music properly. Can you dedicate time to studying popular formats for a few weeks? Can you take a break from production and dedicate time to researching sync licensing ins & outs? Either way, let’s just be honest and focus on what you CAN do and what you are WILLING to do to reach your goals!

Until you’re REALLY pitching and landing music on major TV networks or signing blanket agreements with production companies, it’s just talk. You won’t know what it’s really like UNTIL YOU DO IT!

BOOM! All the details of your plan isn’t fleshed out yet BUT IT’S TIME FOR ACTION. Besides, we learn BY DOING!

With the plan we have in hand, we move forward in the first step of getting major TV Network placements. I help you narrow down music libraries that are perfect for YOU and YOUR MUSIC, we create and outreach plan and USE IT!

It’s time to put an action to everything that you’ve thought about and I am here with you each step of the way!

While we work together, you wont notice the hard work, because you’ve entered the flow state.

TEAM WORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK – my coaching process is your rocket boosters and you’re ready to launch. You just need me to clear atmosphere, and then you’re outta here! You’re taking flight to new heights on your own.

While you are crushing your goals, we celebrate and acknowledge your success. This gives us a chance to look back and what we made work and why!